If you're trying to get pregnant, you may wonder how chiropractic can help. Isn't chiropractic just about "cracking bones"? How could it possibly boost your fertility?
Well... quite easily.
In addition to providing pain relief, chiropractic care helps optimize your nervous system, mobilizes your joints, and ensures cerebrospinal fluid flows effectively throughout your spine. It also improves breathing, circulation, and digestion.
All of which can have a significant impact on your fertility.
Chiropractic Soothes Your Nervous System So, what does your nervous system have to do with fertility? Quite a lot, actually.
Chiropractic care’s primary focus is to make sure your nervous system functions optimally. When your nervous system is balanced, the rest of your body can fall into alignment - no pun intended.
Your nervous system is responsible for regulating key processes, like hormone secretion, blood flow, and egg release. Chiropractic adjustments ensure your nerves, particularly those running through the spine, are functioning at their best to support your reproductive system.
An imbalance in your nervous system can disrupt the endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances that can affect fertility. Blocked or poorly functioning nerve flow can reduce blood flow, interfere with hormonal balance, and potentially contribute to infertility.
While nerve blockages can occur anywhere in the spine, they often manifest in your pelvis. This is where chiropractic adjustments can be particularly beneficial.
Chiropractic Care Aligns Your Low Back and Pelvis If your lower back and pelvis are misaligned and twisted, stress can be placed on your reproductive organs, which could affect your fertility. Chiropractic care works to correct misalignments, helping your body restore balance and better coordinate these vital systems.
When your spine is aligned and mobile, your cerebrospinal fluid flows freely, nourishing your brain, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland - three key components responsible for producing the hormones essential to fertility.
Chiropractic Care Reduces Stress Chiropractic care is also an effective way to reduce stress. Stress is a major disruptor of fertility, but chiropractic adjustments can help ease tension in your muscles and relax your nervous system.
In addition to lowering stress hormones, chiropractic adjustments help you achieve a deeper level of relaxation, both physically and emotionally. During the fertility journey, when stress and anxiety are common, chiropractic care can provide relief and a sense of calm.
The gentle touch of a chiropractor can be a soothing, healing experience, helping to balance the body and mind, and improving overall receptivity to implantation.
Curious About How Chiropractic Can Support Your Fertility Journey?
If you're interested in learning how chiropractic care can assist you in your fertility journey, please feel free to connect. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through how this holistic approach can support your goals.
by Dr. Elizabeth LangerMental acupuncture… Is it truth, lies or clickbait?
Technically, it's clickbait…
And here's why.
Mental acupuncture cannot be truth because in order to perform acupuncture, you actually have to pierce the skin. Hopefully with a sterilized needle.
So really, you can't have mental acupuncture unless you are able to penetrate the skin with your mind.
However… that doesn't mean that you can't get effects that are very similar to acupuncture. Both acupressure and laser therapy elicit similar results to acupuncture when performed with the right intention.
When we say "mental acupuncture," it's to illustrate how we can stimulate the acupuncture points with the power of our mind.
This is why setting your intention is so incredibly powerful.
It's how you can stimulate the bottom of your feet if you are standing in the checkout line…
It's how you can stimulate multiple points at once…
It's how you can start to heal when everything seems impossible.
How do you do it? Many ways.
An easy way is to think of a point you want to stimulate. Imagine sending your energy to it… you can breathe into it if you would like.
Let's try it out with Kidney 1, a point at the bottom of your foot. Close your eyes... take a breath and imagine sending energy or light to this point. You can even imagine that you are stimulating it with your fingers.

The main point is that you are using your energy and your intention to give yourself the same effect as an acupuncture treatment. Hence... "mental acupuncture."
If you would like to continue this conversation, please feel free to reach out and shoot me an email.
When you are struggling to have a baby, you might be looking for a safe and natural treatment to help you conceive. While many therapies are available, very few can effectively and consistently help you get pregnant.
Acupuncture, while safe and natural, is a powerful and effective therapy to boost your fertility. Research shows that receiving acupuncture improves egg and sperm quality, and balances hormones.
Acupuncture balances your body and works Qi, the energy needed to sustain life. It helps to increase the circulation of Qi and blood to reproductive and other endocrine organs that can impact fertility. Depending on your problem, acupuncture can help improve your fertility.
Another reason acupuncture helps to boost fertility is that it helps with overall stress reduction. When struggling with fertility, it is very common for your stress to be high and overwhelming. A gentle acupuncture session can soothe your frustration with your own body and the powerlessness you may experience.
Because every person is unique, treatment results can vary. Most women require between 4-6 months of treatment. Some women are able to conceive sooner, and some may take longer. It really depends on you and your particular situation.
If you are undergoing IVF, it is completely safe to have acupuncture. Acupuncture does not interfere with IVF and may even allow your body to be more receptive to the treatment.
Because acupuncture is so safe, you can continue to receive acupuncture throughout your pregnancy. Receiving acupuncture throughout your pregnancy can make you feel your best during this very special time.
If you have any questions and would like to continue the conversation about how acupuncture can help you conceive, please contact me and we'll talk!
by Dr. Elizabeth LangerAre you wondering if acupressure is right for you?
If you are experiencing any health problems or physical discomfort, you may benefit from acupressure.
Acupressure is all about creating balance in your body and spirit.
When there is an imbalance, you may experience discomfort and problems in your health.
Check out this list below to see if acupressure might be a good fit.
1. Are you experiencing any pain in your body? Acute or chronic... When you have pain, something is out of balance. Pain is not weakness leaving the body - it signals that something isn't right. Acupressure can help to relieve that pain and help your body regain balance.
2. Did you know that your tongue holds the secrets to your physical and emotional health?
Go ahead... Take a peek. First, look at the color... Is your tongue pale and light? Or is it very red and dark? How about the coating? Is it very thick or very thin? A deep yellow or white? Maybe your coating is thicker in some areas than others? How about the shape of your tongue? Is it small and thin, or is it puffy with toothmarks on the side?
But what should a "healthy" tongue look like? A "healthy" tongue should be pink with a thin white coat. If your tongue doesn't look like this, don't worry. It just means you need to recalibrate and include practices, such as acupressure, to regain your healthy state.
3. Check your pulse. While a "normal" pulse in a healthy adult can range from 60-100 beats per minute, the exact number doesn't matter as much as the QUALITY.
Does your pulse feel very fast or slow? Does it feel full or faint? Any irregular rhythms? It's a good idea to check your pulse on a regular basis, so you become familiar with your body and its natural rhythms.
4. Look into your eyes. If eyes are the 'windows to the soul,' what do YOURS say? Your eyes should be clear and full of life. The sclera, or whites of your eyes, can indicate problems if they are red, yellow, itchy, dry, or watery.
5. How is your tummy feeling? Are you experiencing any problems with your digestion? Any heartburn or nausea? Gas or bloating? Constipation or diarrhea? If so, acupressure can help to get you back on track.
6. How is your urination? Do you experience pain or difficulty when you go? Find yourself frequently running to the bathroom? Do you have to wake up in the middle of the night, even if you didn't drink before bed?
How about the color of your urine? Is it very dark or very light?
All of these signs may point to an imbalance in the way your body is processing fluids.
7. How is your stress? Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed? Maybe you are even experiencing heart palpitations and a nervous tummy? In traditional Chinese medicine, there is no separation between the physical and psychological. Acupressure can easily be integrated into any treatment plan to help you manage your stress.
Bonus for the Ladies
Ladies, did you know that your menstrual cycle can provide a lot of insight into the health of your body? Acupressure and traditional Chinese medicine are highly beneficial for issues concerning women's health.
Do you experience pain, cramping, or fatigue with your cycle? Is your flow is very heavy with clotting or very light and irregular? You don't have to suffer and acupressure can help.
by Dr. Elizabeth LangerWhen your life is in chaos and everything is spiraling out of control, all you want is to restore your peace and sense of security. You want to feel grounded.
But how do you accomplish this? And what does it mean to "ground" yourself?
To be "grounded" means you have an overall feeling of stability, safety, and assurance that everything will be okay. When you are grounded, you function better as you feel more centered and secure. However, this can be a difficult state to achieve, due to both internal and external turmoil.
Understanding the connection between the mind and body can help you to achieve a grounded state. When you work on your body, you are working on your mind, and when you heal your mind, you can heal your body. Physical practices, such as Yoga and Taiji (Tai Chi), are powerful tools to facilitate grounding, as they help connect your mind and body.
Walking in your bare feet and getting out into nature are other ways to ground yourself. You literally establish a direct connection with the Earth. While not everyone has access to nature, if you are fortunate enough to surround yourself with the natural world… take off your shoes... take a breath… and take it all in.
Another way to ground yourself is through meditation. Not only does meditation clear your mind, but it also resets your nervous system, reduces your heart rate, and improves clarity and focus.
But what if you can't practice Yoga or Taiji, get outside, or are having problems meditating? Acupressure is a simple yet powerful tool for grounding yourself. Examples of grounding acupressure points are Kidney 3, Stomach 36, and Kidney 1.
Kidney 3 (Taixi) brings awareness back to your body, calms your emotions, and nourishes you from the inside out. It is located in the depression between your Achille's tendon and your inside ankle bone. Be gentle when applying pressure to this tender point... try using your ring finger to start.
Stomach 36 (Zusanli) grounds you by stimulating the production of Qi and Blood that provides the energy and nutrients to your entire body. It is located on your shin below the kneecap, about a finger's width lateral to the tibial tuberosity – that little bump on the kneecap.
Another acupressure point that is wonderful for grounding is Kidney 1 (Yong Quan). The ultimate grounding point, Kidney 1 establishes both a physical and energetic connection to the Earth. It is located on the ball of your foot, in between your first and second toes. On a personal note, if I am overwhelmed and stressed out, I imagine sending waves of energy to the souls of my feet, specifically to Kidney 1. I find that I am much calmer and am better able to focus.
Returning to center and remaining in a state of peace can seem impossible when life is spinning out of your control. And I am still learning how to stay grounded when things get a little crazy. A lot of times I feel scattered and overwhelmed. Tools such as Yoga, Taiji, mediation, and acupressure have helped me along my journey back to center.
Perhaps you will find that they help you as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and I would be happy to chat.
by Dr. Elizabeth Langer
With everything shifting, it seems we are searching for a sense of stability. The seasons are changing... the weather is changing...
And then there is the impact of the pandemic.
We feel like we are swinging on a pendulum. Or maybe we feel like we are being thrashed about in an ocean storm.
But it’s time to get off of pendulum. Stop fighting the waves and let the calm overtake you.
How do we do this when we are endlessly tossed around?
We have to realize that we have the power to step off the pendulum anytime we choose... that once we can control the storm inside of ourselves, the waves calm on their own.
Imagine yourself on a violently swinging pendulum. If you take a breath really open your eyes, you will see that there is solid ground right in front of you. Can you do it? Can you take that breath?
Now… take the leap.
Close your eyes.
Take another breath… and 1.. 2… 3… Jump…
The Earth will catch you.
Were you able to leap?
Whether you were or not… it’s okay. The most important thing is that you realize that you are on the pendulum. It’s not to get the pendulum to stop… It’s to understand that you don’t need to be on it.
Sounds simple?
Well… personally, it took me years to realize I was even on a pendulum and many months to make the leap.
How did I do it? I had support. Through meditation, visualization, the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and Faith, I was able to take the leap onto solid ground.
There are many tools available to prime your body to ground your spirit. Acupressure can help you to gently stimulate points on your body to prepare you to take that leap. I would like to share with you some acupressure points that can help you ground yourself and weather the storm.
Kidney 3 (Taixi)
This point is extremely grounding and can help to bring your awareness back into your body. In TCM, the Kidneys are responsible for supporting the entire body and spirit. Kidney 3 is located on the inside of your ankle, in the depression between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. This point may be tender, so be gentle when applying pressure.
Stomach 36 (Zusanli)
Not only does Stomach 36 help you to ground yourself, it also nourish the Qi and Blood of your entire body. Stomach 36 is located on the shin below the kneecap, about a finger's width lateral to the tibial tuberosity - that little bump below the knee cap. Even though this point is tender, you may find that you have increased energy and focus after stimulating it for a few minutes.
Ren 17 and Pericardium 6 (Nei Guan)
Ren 17 and Pericardium 6 work together to relieve stress and tension and help you to find your center of calm. Ren 17 is located on the center of your chest on your sternum. You can find it if you count down four ribs starting from your clavicle. You may apply pressure or you may find that gently tapping this point helps to break up some of that "stuck" feeling. Pericardium 6 is located on the inside of the forearm, a few inches above the wrist crease. To find, take the index, middle, and ring fingers of your opposite hand and place them on the crease. Pericardium 6 is located between the two tendons (palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis).
Start with Ren 17 to break up of the tension and stagnation, and finish with Pericardium 6 to draw the energy away from your chest. This allows for your body and its Meridians to better process the energy.
This point is an absolute essential for opening your vision and finding clarity. It's located right between your eyebrows and can also help to reduce any headaches or dizziness that you may be experiencing due to stress.
Remember... be gentle with yourself. Start by applying firm but gentle pressure with your ring finger to the points. You can always add more. The wonderful thing about using acupressure on yourself is that you learn to listen to your body.
If you are struggling with the shifting seasons in your life, stimulating these points can help you to connect with your body and find support within yourself. But you don't need to do this alone.
If you would like some help, please feel free to contact me. and I would be happy to support you.
by Dr. Elizabeth LangerWhen your child is all twisted up inside, what do you do? It kills you as a parent to see them so upset.
Especially if your child has autism, ADHD, PANS, or PTSD, they may be more likely to experience anxiety.
In these times of uncertainty, the tension in society, schools, and even in families is at an all- time high and kids are picking up on it. Fortunately, there are so many safe and natural ways to help kids manage anxiety, such as holding them, essential oils, counseling, and meditation.
Acupressure is another great way to sooth stress for kids. Let's learn about seven great points to calm your anxious child.
1. Yintang This calming point is located on the forehead, right between the eyebrows. Press Yintang for one to five minutes and your child will begin to relax. Yintang also relieves headaches, dizziness, and nausea.
2. Pericardium 6 (Nei Guan) This "super point" is located on the inside of the forearm, a few inches above the wrist crease. To find, take the index, middle, and ring fingers of your child's opposite hand and place them on the crease. Pericardium 6 is located between the two tendons (palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis). Apply light pressure, as this can be a sensitive spot. Pericardium 6 is calming when anxiety and tension causes pain in the chest and stomach, heavy breathing and hyperventilation, and helps to relieve nausea and other tummy troubles.
3. Pericardium 8 (Lau Gong) Pericardium 8 is a wonderful point for sharing energy between you and your child. It is located between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones in the central depression of the palm. This point calms the spirit and the emotions, and is especially good when anxiety makes your child feel hot and sweaty. If you want to give your child a relaxing hand massage, apply gentle, but firm pressure on Pericardium 6, and perform light strokes with your thumbs (10 - 20 x) to Pericardium 8. Finish off by applying circular motions for one to three minutes at Pericardium 8 and see how quickly your child starts to laugh.
4. Heart 7 (Shen Men) Heart 7 is located at the ulnar end of the wrist crease, just inside the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon. It's great for when your child's anxiety is causing palpitations, a racing heartbeat, fright, poor memory, and difficulty sleeping.
5. Stomach 36 (Zusanli) Stomach 36 is located on the shin below the kneecap, about a finger's width lateral to the tibial tuberosity - that little bump below the knee cap. The point is usually tender, but it's worth pressing because it is so beneficial to your child. In addition to helping your child to attain a more grounded sensation, Stomach 36 treats nearly all digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. It also has been shown to help dizziness and boost the immune system.
6. Spleen 6 (Sanyinjiao) Spleen 6 is especially great for pre-teen and teenage girls for regulating hormones. It relaxes the uterus and can relieve menstrual cramps. To find Spleen 6, measure up from the inside ankle bone with your child's index, middle, and ring fingers to the slight depression on the inside of the leg. Spleen 6 nourishes Qi (energy) of the entire body. It calms the blood and corrects the urinary channel. Because of its strong effect on the uterus, Spleen 6 should not be used during pregnancy.
7. Liver 3 (Tai Chong) Liver 3 is located on the top of the foot in the junction of the 1st and 2nd metatarsals. This is another "super point" that in addition to soothing anxiety, it helps to balance hormones, reduce stress-related headaches, and can help with dizziness and difficulty sleeping, while regulating menstruation.
Acupressure Tip Before you give your child acupressure, try it on yourself first. Kids can be sensitive and pressure feels different. You can also practice on a tomato or a similar piece of fruit with soft skin. Remember, you can always apply more pressure, but in the beginning, it's best to start soft.
You can use all of these points together, or you can pick and choose the ones you feel are best for your child. Certain points might be uncomfortable for kids, especially kids with sensory processing disorders. My daughter doesn't like the inside of her wrist being touched, but is comfortable with everything else. Just be gentle and explore this process with your child.
I've developed a "step-by-step" process to apply these acupressure points, along with personalized strategies that are designed for your child's specific needs. If you have any questions, contact me and I would be happy to help.